Thursday 6 January 2011


Week one, and only my second day back to the mind-numbing monotony that is'the job' already I find myself counting down the days to my next week off...oh the holiday season was barely here before it was gone - don't you just hate that? :( so I decided I needed a NEW colour for the NEW year to beat the blues. I scurried off like a fool on a mission to my new favourite for nail colour - Barry M...

I bought a similar shade at Sephora (which sadly I left behind on my last trip to Paris - to the exasperating glee of my sister as it now resides in her bag)! But to be honest I think I prefer Barry M's version of the lilac, it's more of a pastel shade whereas Sephora was a tad too bright and barbie doll-like.
The colour came out shockingly rubbish in this!

My little p.s.
take a look at what I scored for a couple of £'s today...

I love how it's a funkier/less bulky version of a typical 'knuckleduster-ring'.  
Even my mum thinks it's pretty awesome!

Sending love
Bizous xx


  1. That ring is awesome!!! Where did you get it from, if you don't mind me asking :)

  2. Miss Selfridge believe it or not! Rummage through their sale section & you might get lucky ;)

  3. Awesome thanks! I'll have a look :)
