Saturday 15 January 2011

Weapon of Mass Volumisation !!

I have found the greatest hair tool of all time, the ultimate backcombing brush...

hehe excuse my fish pout but the comb demands ATTITUDE
I know i'm kind of late to the party but I can't believe I've lived without this all my life, I almost feel cheated. Not only does it take half the time and effort to to oomphhh up my hair, but gives it a totally different feel of funk. There's no rigid bunches of backcombed mess - the lumps of which would peek through should my hair move out of place, a-no-no-no just a head full of sexed up hair ;)

I'm sure these are pretty easy to get ahold of, I picked up mine at a local salon for £6 - in the words of the french 'C'etait une affaire' (bargain!)

Sending Love
Bizous xx


  1. You hair looks great! I totally need to look for one of those. I love big hair!

  2. Ah thankyou :) and trust me suga if u love big hair, this comb is a MUST have. x

  3. i need helapp!! my hair sooo borin n lyfless!!... will dis do da trikk 4 moi??
