Tuesday 6 September 2011

They Say Your Eyes Are The Window To Your Soul...

Maybe that's why we get so wierded out when a stranger stares straight into them!

My oh my, it's been a while so let's not waste any more time and get down to business. As you will have guessed todays post is all about eyes. Long eyelashes are considered to be a sign of femininity and beauty in many cultures so it's no wonder that we have become obsessed with ways of lengthening them, making them appear fuller or more curled. There is nothing more alluring or striking than a full set of beautiful lashes fluttering the hypnotic way a butterfly flutters then glides over and above your head. The enchanting, irresistible effect the lashes have when they are ready to sweep into action is second to none. There are of course many ways we can achieve this, but the easiest and most inexpensive way? MASCARA :) 

When it comes to mascara I remain loyal to L'Oreal brands, any others I feel just don't do the feathers of my eyes any justice. I made the mistake of delving into the unknown once before and never again. I picked up a tube of Maybelline's 'falsies' to carry me through until pay day; boy what a mess, it clumped my lashes into 3 fat hideous spikes; and it wasn't just me because sister number 2 had the exact same experience - damn Maybelline and their sly advertising tactics! I worked out it must be the crappy brush because in a desperate attempt to fix my eyes I ended up switching the brush tops with my dried-up 'extra volume collagen' which resulted in an O.K set of lashes. Let me tell you something O.K will never be enough for my eyes. 

Keep reading ladies because this story has a happy ending, yes I have found the ultimate mascara; L'Oreal's lash Architect 4D in noir black is my new baby.

The shape of the tube puts me off a bit, it just doesn't sit right in my hand. But no one can argue that it isn't an impressive looking thing.

It has a long bristle-brush which tapers toward the end, and is at a slight angle making it easier to reach the inner/outer corners. I know everyone says less is more but when it comes to my application of mascara 1 or 2 coats simply don't do it for me, I coat them again and again; wiggling the wand at the base, stroking the lashes from root to tip until fully satisfied with the fullness and curl - which this (hand on heart) truly does deliver. It does however have a small tendency to clump but that can be controlled and minimised through application. It lasts well throughout the day and doesn't smudge once it's set. Though note, it takes a few minutes to completely dry, so please for the love of all that is pretty - do not sneeze! 

So there it is, good & bad; right & wrong; to buy or not to buy. Everything is negotiable, we all have our opinions and this my lovelies is mine. I heart 4D mascara :)

Love Love & Bizous xx

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